Rich Media Design
From 2010-2013, I worked in-house and freelance for a variety of advertising agencies and entertainment studios in New York and Los Angeles. The work consisted of a variety of projects mostly on quick timelines from 2-3 weeks and as long as six months. The work included everything from web applications, desktop widgets, product and marketing websites, and video screen animations. The deliverables were adapted to a variety of mediums including in-store kiosks, traditional web experiences on desktop and mobile, and video screen takeovers in public places. Clients include work for Nickelodeon, Jonathan Adler, Pirate’s Booty, Capcom, Powerade, and Vitamin Water.
Website design & development
Web application development for standalone desktop experiences
User Interface and User Experiences studies
Interactive Video Animations
Technical consultation, client pitch meetings, and product and project management
Technologies: HTML/CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Illustrator, Photoshop
Pirates Brands Product Website
Jonathan Adler “Create Your Own Pillow” Application
Powerade Zero Product Website